Thunder & Lightnings

Fairey Gannet - Survivor 'AS-00' (actually AS-07)

AS.4 AS-00 - Lanudal Juanda NAS Museum, Surabaya, Indonesia

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Gannet AS.4 AS-00 at Surabaya, 26th October 2016; Andy Vass

AS-07 was first painted up as AS-00 possibly sometime in the 1970s, but has now since been repainted but this time representing AS-101. Although the paint job still looks pretty good, the canopies have completely clouded up. The airframe also seems to have several cables draped over it which doesn't look great. The Gannet also shows off some underwing stores - rockets.

Information on this page current as of 13/06/2021, last updated by Jake

Find other photos of AS-00 on the following sites:

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