Thunder & Lightnings

McDonnell-Douglas/BAC F-4K/M Phantom II - Survivor XT905

FGR.2 XT905 - Privately owned, Cotswold Airport, Kemble, Gloucestershire

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Phantom FGR.2 XT905 at Cotswold Airport, 14th September 2024; Jake Wallace

XT905 served with 17, 29, 31, and 74 Squadrons and also 228 OCU. XT905 suffered a nosewheel failure in 1981 and had to land without it, but after repairs were back in the air once more. XT905 was then used for many years at the former RAF North Luffenham, training MoD personnel in the disarming of explosives. She was engineless and the outer portion of her starboard wing was also missing along with the rear canopy. The cockpits were pretty gutted. Other than that and some minor damage elsewhere, she appeared to be fairly sound - certainly worthy of preservation.

She was disposed of in 2013 to Everett Aero and moved to Bentwaters, but remained in storage rather than being tarted up. XT905 was brought by a private owner who moved it to Wymeswold with one of BPAG's Phantoms XT597.

However, in late 2020, it was publicly announced that XT905 would become a BPAG project and would be moving to Cotswold Airport, Kemble alongside their other Phantoms XT597 and ZE360 for long term restoration.

XT905 was road moved to Cotswold Airport on the morning of 30th June 2021 where it sat on its belly with XT597 on one of the former taxiways at Kemble. In mid-2023, BPAG erected their LVRE with both airframes going undercover.
Today, XT905 remains undercover and currently sits on her belly with the long-term restoration plan getting into full swing!

You follow BPAG's restoration efforts on their Facebook Page.

Information on this page current as of 14/09/2024, last updated by Jake

Find other photos of XT905 on the following sites:

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