Thunder & Lightnings

McDonnell-Douglas/BAC F-4K/M Phantom II - Survivor '65-777' (really 63-7419)

F-4C 65-777 - RAF Lakenheath (displayed in the memorial park within the station), Suffolk

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Phantom F-4C 65-777 at Lakenheath, 14th July 2023; William Masterson

Displayed to dramatic effect in the Liberty Wing Memorial Park within RAF Lakenheath, 63-7419 is painted to represent an F-4 once based at Lakenheath, 65-777. If you want to get a look at her yourself, you'll need to arrange a base visit or possibly have a look at the memorial park during the yearly bazaar (normally advertised locally around Easter time). You certainly won't be able to get a look at her if you just turn up and ask, especially given the security state the base has been on since late 2001.

63-7419 is still on-site to this day and seems to be very well looked after as the photo above shows!

Information on this page current as of 22/08/2024, last updated by Damien

Find other photos of 65-777 on the following sites:

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